Hem rebut aquest escrit de CODAPSO, on davant la visita de Parlamentaris de l'Eurocàmara denuncia les agressions sofertes pels activistes sahrauis, les seves famílies i per tots i totes aquelles que els recolzen per part de les forces d'ocupació colonial marroquines
Aaiun/Western Sahara
Saturday January 31.2009
A preliminary report (after some additions)
For receiving the Vice-Chairman of Saharan Committee for the Defense of the right to self-determination
After an absence of a year and ten months he spent in treatment, during which he held after the surgery complications suffered during his arrest and torture by the Moroccan authorities which also participated in Qat and meetings, including the sixth session of the Human Rights Council, took place in Geneva/Switzerland in September 2007 and many meetings in each of Sweden, Finland and Spain, culminating in Pantdape on the Committee for the Defense of the right to self-determination for the receipt of the Human Rights Award in its version for the year 2008 of which provided by the Municipal Council of the province of Cerro de Asturias, Spain
Mr Hmmad Hamad the vice chairman of the CODAPSO arrived on the evening of Friday 31 January 2009 in a reception rally The Moroccan police forces deployed throughout the road leading to the city's airport and prevented a number of citizens to use those roads and imposed a blockade on Ma’atallah,Lina’ach and Lvilaat neighborhoods where the family of Mr Hmad living .
In 22.30 Gmt the Procession start to its designation which included in addition to the family of Mr. Hamad his colleagues some human rights activists where they were received with dates and milk by young activists wearing the Saharan traditional dress ( Dar’aa & Melhfa)
The city of Aaiun has seen many distribution of leaflets calling for the empowerment of the people of Western Sahara of their inalienable right to self-determination and welcoming the return of human rights defender Mr. Hammad Hammad because they were unable to get out in demonstrations to express their opinion concerning that right because of the embargo imposed by Morocco in the region since October 1975
Despite of this dozens of Saharans tried to break the siege imposed on those neighborhoods, which led to the arrest of many of them, including the human rights activist,and the member of the Committee, Mr. Ismaili Hamada and his companion By the patrol of six uniform police men before transferred him to the police station where he had an appointment with a spread of investigations till today at 15.00 Gmt and confiscated his car ( Land rover 4x4) documents and money he had in his pocket
The investigation focused on the discussions that took place between human rights activists and the European delegation that visited the region recently.
The Saharan citizen Sidi Med Alouatt have also been arrested after trying to query on the reasons why the ban imposed by the Moroccan authorities for the visit of Mr. Hammad.
Among those injured Mr Zoghman Ibrahim Chain (an old man) who suffered a deep wound to the head, he was rushed to hospital to undergo an operation to sew three stitches.
Sa’adani Alaya
Jamal Houssini
Lhbib Bourhimi
Lala Bilal
And the prevention of some human rights activists and other citizens to access Mr. Hamad family s home as Mr Brahim Sabbar member of the committee and the secretary general of the ASVDH
Mz Toufa Lmosaoui
Khdija ment Lhafed mother of the member of the committee Mr Saiid Bilal
Moroccan police forces headed by the officer Aziz Anoush a responsible for a series of violations against the Saharan citizens in addition to the officer, Mustafa, known as Mousatj and Bouchaaib not hesitate to threaten the activists SBAI Ahmad Said Bilal , and also attacked the Mr Toubali Ibrahim, who was injured and Muhammad Bousaoula, as well as reaching the Sahrawi citizens Fdaili Baih