Thursday, October 26, 2006

Delegacions de Galícia i de Noruega al Sàhara Occidental

Fa uns dies, que ens arribaven notícies de que una Delegació de Galícia, anunciava una roda de premsa, al tornar de EL AAIUN, Sàhara Occidental ocupat. donmarien una roda de premsa denunciant les greus condicions de vida en que viuen els sahrauís sota l'administració colonial marroquina.

Avui mateix, Duarte Correa (BNG) al Parlament de Galícia, denunciava el que ha qualificat com a veritable ocupació militar i l'hostigament constant al que es veuen sotmesos els sahrauís, dins del seu país, denunciant la presència de policia colonial, en cada cantonada de cada una de les ciutats del Sàhara Occidental

També ha denunciat la pràctica sistemàtica dels segrestaments dels activistes i joves sahrauís i la pràctica quotidana de la tortura, per part de la policia marroquina. Però la denuncia no acaba aquí, i tal i com hem vingut explicant, des de ja fa temps, els sahrauís es veuen discriminats a l'hora de treballar i a l'hora d'estudiar

La delegació gallega, ens demana que continuem denunciant la greu situació dels drets humans al Sàhara Occidental.

Però el que cal dir també, és que aquesta delegació va ser maltractada a l'Aeroport de El Aaiun, com també va ser maltractada una altra delegació de periodistes noruegs, Anne Torhild i Radmund Steinsvag, de REPORTERS SENSE FRONTERES, que avui mateix també denuncia que la, policia marroquina no els va deixar entrar a la terra dels sahrauís.

Aquests periodistes, que ningú pot dir que siguin polítics favorables als sahrauís o membres d'alguna associació solidària amb el poble sahrauí, no els van deixar pasar de l'Aeroport i per tant, NO ELS VAN DEIXAR FER LA SEVA FEINA.

Una feina que els hauria portat a parlar de la veritat, a denunciar la situació dels Drets Humans al Sàhara Occidental

Morocco, 25 October 2006

Two Norwegian journalists turned back on arrival in El Aaiún

Reporters Without Borders (RSF)

Reporters Without Borders today accused the Moroccan authorities of "administrative manipulation" after two Norwegian journalists were turned back on their arrival on 24 October at El Aaiún airport in Moroccan-controlled Western Sahara because they did not have press visas.

Anne Torhild Nilsen and Radmund Steinsvag had requested visas at the Moroccan embassy in Oslo in January without getting a response. Instead of openly refusing to give journalists visas, the Moroccan authorities often sit on applications indefinitely.

"These two journalists, who are known for their coverage of Western Sahara, have once again been the victims of the Moroccan government's bad faith," Reporters Without Borders said. "Any pretext will do in order to obstruct their work. They were prevented from working more than a year ago when making a documentary about the human right situation in the region."

When contacted by Reporters Without Borders, the Moroccan embassy in Oslo said it sent their visa applications to Rabat and was still waiting for a reply. The embassy said the decision whether to issue a visa to a journalist "depends on many criteria" but did not say what they were.

Nilsen and Steinsvag arrived in El Aaiún, the capital of Western Sahara, on a flight from Las Palmas in the Canary Islands but were stopped by immigration officials, who checked with their superiors and then told them to return to Las Palmas on the same plane and submit a visa request there. The plane's departure was delayed until the two journalists had reboarded.
Nilsen said: "The Moroccan ploy of not responding to journalists' visa requests is very clever. There is little you can do when they do not respond. We cannot denounce them because they have not told us were are banned from entering Morocco. A definitive 'no' would clearly show that impartial observers are not welcome and that the regime has things to hide."

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Source: http://www.rsf. org/article. php3?id_article= 19445
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Norwegian Support Committee for Western Sahara
wsahara@online. no

*** Referendum now! ***

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